Well hello there!
It's been a while and I am sorry about that, but this blog was usually for fashion posts only and I have been getting a bit lazy in this area since music has become even more important to me and is actually the biggest part of my life now.
As most people know, I have started uploading my own music to Youtube and Soundcloud. I am very happy that many people seem to enjoy listening to my songs which also lead to many people asking where/if they can buy/download the songs.
So far I haven't planned on releasing an EP or even a whole album, but I wanted to give everyone the chance to listen to my songs outside Youtube or Soundcloud. Therefore I will start uploading my songs to "Google Sites" where everyone can download my songs for free.
I am also planning on making a lil blogpost about each song. In that kind of blogpost I might just upload the lyrics, say something about the video (if there is one) or even tell a little bit about the background story. We shall see about that.
Every now and then I might still upload a "normal" fashion post, but I will mainly use this blog now for my music journey, that's why I have changed the name from "Hiraelle" to "Fraeulein Astrid".
Thanks for reading
luv luv