Friday, December 16, 2022


"Die dritte Single der Künstlerin Fraeulein Astrid „r u really ok“ ist ein Song über das Ankommen. Das Zuhause und die Rückkehr. Sowohl im eigentlichen, als auch übertragenen Sinn. Eine Suche nach der scheinbar verlorenen Beziehung zur Umwelt. Geschrieben im ersten harten Lockdown 2020, einer Zeit der Ungewissheit und der Reflexion, analysiert Astrid in „r u really ok“ sowohl die eigene, als auch die gesellschaftliche Identität. Musikalisch untermalt diese Coming-Of-Age-Thematik sehr prominent der Kinderchor „Frohnleitner -„ und „Übelbacher Spatzen“, zu welchem sich Fraeulein Astrid vor etwa fünfzehn bis zwanzig Jahren stolz selbst zählen durfte. Auch im Artwork kehrt die Künstlerin zu ihren Wurzeln zurück und setzt ihre künstlerische Persona in Kontext zur Heimat. Das Cover, sowie der Visualizer, zeigen Fraeulein Astrid im Wald hinter ihrem Elternhaus im Glitzer des Erwachsenwerdens." 

I am very very excited to be sharing my third official single with you! I wrote this song back in 2020, but put the song away shortly after because I just wasn't happy with the way it sounded. Now, two years later, I decided to give it a second chance - I re-recorded everything, changed the arrangement, added new parts, cancelled other ones and - for the most special part - I added a children's choir. As this song deals with many topics concerning home, I couldn't have imagined a better choir than the one from my hometown; Frohnleiten. I've been part of this choir for many years myself when I was a child and I feel like kids added the last spark that this song needed. 

co-produced by Felix Paschke & Fridolin Krenn 
mixed by Fridolin Krenn 
mastered by Mathias Garmusch 
special thanks to Barbara Herzog-Drewes and "Frohnleitner Spatzen" & "Übelbacher Spatzen"

R u really ok 
I was just wondering 'cause it doesn’t look that way 
Do you feel the same
About the world’s weight on your shoulders 
Expectations of 
How you’re supposed to look and act 
Wanting to be different 
But also wanting to fit in 

I am back 
In my old home 
Because I lost track of where I’m from 
The world just kept spinning 
And everything is going too fast 
I am back 
To face myself 
Because I lost track of where to go 
The walls are getting closer 
And everything is going too fast 

R u really ok 
I was just wondering ‘cause we’re going through a lot 
Do you feel the same 
About not wanting to disappoint your folks 
Expectations of 
How your future has to look 
Wanting to be different 
But also wanting to fit in 

I am back 
In my old home 
Because I lost track of where I’m from 
The world just kept spinning 
And everything is going too fast 
I am back 
To face myself 
Because I lost track of where to go 
The walls are getting closer 
And everything is going too fast 

going too fast